Re: Marge Piercy

From: Nicola Griffith (NicolaZ@AOL.COM)
Date: Thu Mar 27 1997 - 15:53:23 PST

Robin, yes, that would be an interesting question for Piercy, plus this one:
How does she feel about her publishers (in the UK, anyhow) refusing to
acknowledge that she *does* write SF; and refusing (or perhaps just
neglecting) to add to her bio the fact that she has won the Arthur C. Clarke
Award. This is something I'd also like to ask Theodore Roszak, whose MEMOIRS
OF ELIZABETH FRANKENSTEIN won last year's Tiptree award, but whose
publishers, again, made no mention of that fact when the book was reprinted
in trade paperback format. I get so tired of this ridiculous double-think on
the part of literary snobs: SF is no good, therefore if this SF book *is*
good, it's not SF. End of rant.


Nicola Griffith

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