Butler's "Kindred"

From: lissa bloomer (ebloomer@MAIL.VT.EDU)
Date: Tue Apr 08 1997 - 15:39:48 PDT

nalo: did _Kindred_ depress you? just taught it in freshman english under
my "escape" theme. it was the students' favorite of all. (taught it with Le
Guin's "The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas" and Angelou's "..Caged Bird
Sings" and Lowry's "The Giver")

one of my students (an 18 yr old black female) wrote to me in a journal:
"It seems to me that the only female hero this patriarchal world could take
would be a science fiction female hero. Because she simply does not exist."

wheew. now THAT is depressing. is this what you mean?

-lissa bloomer

if you're wearing pants, thank my great great great grandmother.

elisabeth bloomer
instructor, english
virginia tech

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