Re: Octavia Butler:_Parable of the Sower_

From: Heather MacLean (hmaclean@KENT.EDU)
Date: Wed Apr 09 1997 - 19:17:52 PDT

Heh. As a voracious reader, and sometimes critic, I *like* trying to figure
out what the author meant. If it's so obvious that I don't have to think
about it, then I wonder why they didn't just write an essay... But it's
interesting that you conflate "what the author meant" (meaning) with
"story"... meaning is action?

>As a voracious reader, and sometimes writer, it occurs to me that if one must
>spend a great deal of time figuring out what the author meant, then perhaps
>the author did not tell the story.
>Or the sometimes a cigar is simply a cigar syndrome.
>Roberta's Cat--


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