Re: Reading "errors"

From: Barbara Harman (
Date: Sat Apr 12 1997 - 10:26:35 PDT

For an interesting take on this, read "Night Woman" by Nancy Price. Though
not science fiction, or speculative fiction (depending on which appelation
you prefer), it is certainly feminist and a great read. The protagonist of
the story, out of necessity in order to support herself and her children,
writes her husband's novels for him. He is completely insane, but believes he
is doing the writing and that she is only "assisting" him. She is confronted
on an almost daily basis with interpretations of "his" novels in relation to
his mental disorder (which is a well-known fact). I don't want to tell the
remainder of the plot, but suffice to say it is extremely interesting and
strongly feminist, and can be read as a direct caution by a writer against
over-interpretation. I also recommend, by the same author, "An Accomplished


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