Re: _Parable of the Sower_

From: Jo Ann Rangel (
Date: Sun Apr 13 1997 - 13:46:23 PDT


Yes, I see your point about waiting for something bad to happen to Lauren
and/or members of her following, and the tension I felt through this part of
the novel till the end was not satisfying in this regard...guess the way to
put it is she promised the reader through the way she set up the first part
of the novel via the displays of violence in the streets outside of their
neighborhood, to mean that sometime the protagonists and/or the minor
characters would suffer some sort of hardship and perhaps lose their lives or
come very close to it and this did not materialize.

I am reading Butler's other works as background material for the work I will
be doing with her Parable book, and I found Clay's Ark to contain more twists
and turns so to speak than Parable of the Sower displayed.

Jo Ann Rangel

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