Re: The Female Man

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Wed Apr 16 1997 - 05:50:11 PDT

On Tue, 15 Apr 1997, Daniel L Krashin wrote:

> 2)It's easy to forget that Anne McCaffrey wasn't always the mistress of
> Pern INC. I gather, from the awards of the time, that she was something of a
> groundbreaking and innovative writer in the late 1960's. (Although not a
> feminist one.) Cs "Ship" really that bad? Contrary to Tanya Wood's comment,
> I recall the scene ofI sexual frustration in "The Ship who Sang" to be more
> nuanced and moving than just a scenario of failed rape. YMMV.

                Daniel Krashin

NH: YMMV? Your move? Young Mothers Make Vittles? I remember that
scene. I read the "ship's" human body as being trapped and vulnerable,
so I found that scene threatening and icky. Meant that I never did find
the male pilot dashing or sympathetic, but egoistic and self-involved.
But in terms of the 60's and 70's, I suspect that McCaffrey's work was
ground-breaking, because as coy and sexually determined as her whole Pern
society is, women are active and vocal participants in it; out there on
dragonback fighting Thread, and being scientists, and so on. I devoured
her books when I was younger, then it slowly filtered through that they
weren't exactly progressive, not just with relation to gender, but to race.


"Sleeping in shifts, or working in shifts, or if you were so tired you
couldn't sleep you stared at the television and learned a new language.
Whadya say. They learned this. Watched every show. After, feeling
confident they'd gained something, a key to the day..."

                                Dionne Brand, _Another Place, Not Here_

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