Re: Science as sexist

From: Heather MacLean (hmaclean@KENT.EDU)
Date: Tue Apr 29 1997 - 08:58:41 PDT

Neil -- I was not debating that certain laws of physics seem to be
unimpeachably rigid. The original question was about _hard_ science as
sexist. _Hard_ science (among which physics) pretends to fully describe
reality. The problem is that there is a whole bunch of stuff that
constitutes "reality" which is not in the realm of _hard_ science. And is
therefore *devalued*, in terms of describing reality, when contrasted with
hard science. That's all. Note that under the laws of quantum mechanics,
either your fascist, sexist pig or your pagan feminist may or may not
splatter. =) The odds are pretty heavy that they will, however, you're right.

idiot extraordinaire =)

>In response to Lorie G Sauble-Otto <lorie@U.ARIZONA.EDU>, I wrote:
>>>Excuse me? It appears that you are saying that "hard science" is sexist.
>>>Certainly the human conduct of the activity may be, but in the sense of
>>>method and results, do you mean that there is something intrinsicly sexist
>>>about "hard science"?
>Heather MacLean <hmaclean@KENT.EDU> replied:
>>Well, yes, in a certain sense. Science consists of formulating a
>>hypothesis, then proving it. In order to prove it, you have to "establish
>>as true, demonstrate [it] to be a fact." A fact is "the state of things as
>>they are, reality, actuality, truth." As long as the feminine experience
>>continues to be invalidated by patriarchy, and patriarchy maintains its
>>stranglehold over what is truth and reality, science continues to be sexist.
>>The proof also has to be communicated via language. And language has its own
>>allegiances to patriarchy.
>>Note that this is argued from a fairly radical feminist stance, and this
>>very syllogistic answer also relies on patriarchal modes of thought. Which
>>may therefore invalidate it. *grins*
Neil responds:
>If a fascist sexist pig walks off the top of a building, he will fall with
>an acceleration of 32 feet per second per second, and probably be killed,
>splattering his DNA all over the place.
>If a pagan feminist, who is really really in touch with herself and Mother
>Earth, walks off the top of a building, she will fall with an acceleration
>of 32 feet per second per second, and probably be killed, splattering her
>DNA all over the place.
>This is "the state of things as they are, reality, actuality, truth.". It
>is equally true in Chicago, Cuzco, Cairo and Lhasa.

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