Re: earth abides

From: Elaine Kleiner (EJELK@ROOT.INDSTATE.EDU)
Date: Thu May 01 1997 - 05:42:06 PDT

Hi! I'm an English professor at Indiana State U. in Terre Haute.
I've taught SF now for 30 years. I thought I'd mention "Bears
Discover Fire" by Terry Bisson as an interesting take on how
earth's ecology might be affected by the start of a global warming.

As far as "hard SF" is concerned, I always took the expression to
mean that the work in question was, for the most part, consistent
with the state of current knowledge in the hard sciences--chemistry,
physics, cosmology, etc.--as opposed to the soft sciences of
anthropology, psychology, etc. I never thought "hard SF" was the
domain of men only. If a woman writes a work which is consistent
with received knowledge from the hard sciences, she is practicing
"hard sf." If, however, she writes a fiction which relies heavily on
magic and the occult, she is writing science fantasy. So to me, the
question really is: what women write hard SF and what women write
science fantasy?

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