Re: Your first SF/F Novel

From: Bonnie Gray (bgray@ECE.UCDAVIS.EDU)
Date: Tue May 20 1997 - 09:47:08 PDT

     My first SF book was a collection of short stories aimed at
juveniles. I don't remember the name of the book, but I remember
several of the stories fairly well. One took place on Pern (one
guess who wrote THAT :) ) called something like "The Littlest
Dragon Boy", another, which I have no idea of tha name and author,
involved a teleporter that a girl and boy came across accidently
that lands them as captives of aliens planning invasion. I must
have read each story six or seven times before I figured out that
there were other sf books around.

     I guess the second story classifies as feminist sf, too,
because the girl was certainly the boy's equal in all respects,
mentally and physically.

     The first novel was "Have Spacesuit Will Travel" by Heinlein.


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