Mushroom Planet (Re: First SF Book)

From: Susan Armstrong (anariska@MORTIMER.COM)
Date: Fri May 23 1997 - 00:33:28 PDT

>I read
>_The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet_ at least 17 times, and I think
>my original copy
>might still be in a box in my father's basement. Can anyone tell me the
>names of the other titles
>and whether or not they're still available?
> Edrie Sobstyl


You sound like someone in serious need. :-)

The only other title I can remember is _Stowaway to the Mushroom Planet_
(but after all, how could one forget such a title?).

As to availability... ??? But even if the 'Shroom books are out of print,
you can probably find copies by checking some used SF book dealers' sites on
the WWW. (E-mail me if you want some URLs.)

Incidentally, on the original subject: I have no recollection of what was my
first SF book -- impossible -- there were too many of them too early
(starting at I-don't-know-what age but certainly before I was 10). :-)


-- Susan (SF nerd ab ovo)

Susan Armstrong * Vancouver, Canada *

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