Re: Topics of curiosity (was: yes, list is still here!)

From: Susan Marie Groppi (groppi@HCS.HARVARD.EDU)
Date: Tue Jun 10 1997 - 17:35:12 PDT

> Oooo... Babylon 5, one of my favorites. Susan, I'd like to hear
> you elaborate on that. What "changes" do you refer to? Her
> metamorphosis to half-human and the resulting changes, or more
> recent changes?

Both, actually. The metamorphosis to half-human had such an amazing
effect on her personality--Delenn was suddenly uncertain, full of doubt,
she even started crying with talking to ISN. And it took her a long time
to get her self-confidence and strength back; she needed the crisis of B5
breaking with EarthGov to restore her ability to kick some booty on the
Grey Council.

I was specifically referring to the last season or so, though. Falling in
love with Sheridan has had at least as large an effect on her personality
as becoming half-human, and she went through a similar loss of
self-assurance. I was actually quite disappointed in Delenn's character
for a while--when she thought Sheridan had died at Z'ha'dum, and even
after he came back, she was all floppy and whatnot. But she's managed to
find a balance between being Sheridan's partner and being Delenn in her
own right, and the last few episodes have made me very happy.

                -- Susan
                                   i found god in myself and i loved her
                                        i loved her fiercely -- n.shange

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