B5 vs ST

From: Amanda Clarke (Amanda_Clarke%STATISTICS_NZ@STATS.GOVT.NZ)
Date: Thu Jun 12 1997 - 14:09:18 PDT


I'm new to this list. I'm from Christchurch, New Zealand. Currently I'm
enjoying reading CJ Cherryh & Terry Practchett novels. CJ Cherryh doesn't
always write with strong primary female characters but I like her ideas eg the
exploration of culture in the 'Foreigner' series. Her women characters do have
depth to them.

I've enjoyed reading Ursula Le Guin, Andre Norton, Marion Zimmer Bradley and
Sheri Tepper. I thought 'The Net' by Loren MacGregor was a great book - about
5'2'' Jason Horiuchi, spunky Japanese starship captain (female).

As to my thoughts on Babylon 5 & Star Trek: I find the characters in ST 2
dimensional & the environement rather sterile. (This doesn't stop me from
enjoying it tho'.) But Ivanova (& the other characters on B5) are 3 dimensional
and I love the quirky humour often delivered through Ivanova. B5 doesn't hide
away from grime & poverty & darkness. And the strength of relationship between
characters can be quite moving. A great show.


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