Tiptree Judge (Was Re: So who is on this list?)

From: Berni Phillips (bernip@ix.netcom.com)
Date: Sun Jul 06 1997 - 06:15:25 PDT

Nalo Hopkinson wrote:

> NH: Volunteer gig, let me hasten to point out. Though I do get books I
> wouldn't otherwise have been able to afford. I am a graduate of Clarion
> '95. Both Pat Murphy and Karen Joy Fowler (founding mothers of the
> Tiptree Award) were writers-in-residence that year. We kept in touch
> after Clarion, so I guess they have a sense of what/how I read, the fact
> that I'm a feminist. Don't know if the fact that I facilitate literary
> juries as part of my day job was part of their decision. They asked me to
> be a Tiptree judge this year, said they thought I'd be good at it. I'm
> not sure, but I think I'm the neophyte on the team, with the fewest
> publication credits. Other jurors are Elizabeth Hand, Terry Garey, James
> Patrick Kelly and J. A. Kaufman. And as I've said before on this list,
> I'd really appreciate being pointed in the direction of any 1996 or 1997
> speculative fiction, long or short, which "explores or expands our
> notions of gender and gender roles."

Nalo, congratulations and I wish you strength! I'm a friend of Janet
Lafler, chair of this past year's committee, and Debbie Notkin, another
former Tiptree judge, and from what they've said, I can't even imagine
the amount of work that goes into this. It sounds like it pretty much
takes over your life for the year, all the reading that you have to do.

This looks like a really good committee, though. I know Terry Garey and
Jerry Kaufman (the J.A.), and I know they're both dedicated to
excellence and will do their best. I also have great respect for
Elizabeth Hand, having read most of her work and heard her speak last
year at the Worldcon. I'm less familiar with Patrick Kelly, but I know
I've ready some of his short stories. You Tiptree judges are really
unsung heroes with all the work that goes into selecting the winner(s).

Best wishes!

Berni Phillips

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