Re: Mars

From: Laura Wigod (laura@OAKRIDGE.COM)
Date: Thu Jul 17 1997 - 10:26:03 PDT

>At 12:39 PM 7/14/97, Laura Wigod wrote:
>>Feminism is about equality for women, so, as abhorrent as a character such
>>as Thatcher is, it's still progress for womankind! (sigh) I realize it's
>>difficult to acknowledge that women are as capable of all the -isms as any
>>man, but that's the way it is!
>Yes -- the idea, I thought, was that women should be able to be just as
>big a jerk as a man and get the same kind of rewards out of it that that
>man would.

Haha! Irony noted......

This will sound a little twisted, but.......shortly after OJ Simpson
murdered Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman, that woman (whose name now escaped
me - Susan Mitchell?) on the East Coast (whose state now escapes me - North
Carolina?) murdered her two children. Naturally, I was HORRIFIED, as
anyone should be, but, in another part of my brain, I thought the timing
was perfect. After the Simpson/Goldman murders, there was a lot of
anti-male energy floating around - lots of articles about domestic violence
and men who kill and athletes who are violent, etc. I thought the murder
of those two children was a nice reminder that violence is not the sole
domain of men and that women are equally capable of such vile acts.


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