Animal Farm sequel

Date: Fri Jul 18 1997 - 07:01:56 PDT

Since I saw that somebody mentioned Animal Farm in a message, I thought I'd
recommend *Anarchist Farm* by Jane Doe (it was written by a female deer ;-)
). It was published last year by III Publishing, a small press with some
excellent SF and fiction titles. The author's name is a pseudonym, but I
found out that the author is a woman when I saw her speaking at the San
Francisco Anarchist Book Fair last March.

*Anarchist Farm* is pretty funny and insightful. I would say that one could
even call it a young adult book.

The story revolves around a farm that is a fairly near the farm that was
the setting for Animal Farm. The nice owner of the farm dies, so the
animals have to decide what to do, so they decide to form an anarchist
collective. The story is told from the point of view of a male pig leader
who defects from Animal Farm. The animals also have interactions with some
forest animals and their human friends, called "The Forest Protectors,"
which are very like Earth First! The farm eventually faces a threat when
other humans come to "dispose" of the farm.

I'm sorry that I don't have the contact information for III publishing with
me. They publish two other novels which I really liked: *Last Days of
Christ the Vampire* by J.G. Eccarius which is about a bunch of punk atheist
kids who discover that Christianity is being controlled by vampires, and
*A.D.* by Saab Loften, which concerns a future America that is
half-controlled by the Nation of Islam. The protagonist, a NOI member in
Chicago, becomes radicalized, but before he can do anything, is
cryogenically frozen by a mad scientist and then wakes up centuries later
to discover an anarchist utopia with time travel.

Yeah, it sounds pretty weird, but it was one of the more fascinating SF
novels I've read recently.


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