Is this a genre?

From: NESchaadt (nschaadt@TXCC.NET)
Date: Fri Jul 18 1997 - 08:03:00 PDT

I've just finished two books, _Glimmering_ by Elizabeth Hand and _Gibbon's
Decline and Fall_ by Sheri Tepper that made me think (understatement of the
year--I cried as I finished the Tepper) about feminist speculative, science
and utopian fiction. As both deal with the end of the millenia, is there a
feminist millenial (is this a word?) sciece fiction? Do feminist writers
have a unique view of the year 2000? Are there other titles you
-collective- can recommend?
Many thanks,

Nancy E. Schaadt
phone: 214 943 4347
fax: 214 946 7887

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