Re: Contact, the book

From: Jana C. McCormick (Mcfynnan@AOL.COM)
Date: Sun Jul 20 1997 - 02:28:06 PDT

<< ltimmel@HALCYON.COM (L. Timmel Duchamp)

  In response to this commentary, I want to say that the illogical
discrepancies or ingredients of movies usually come from a director's wish to
simplify a plot and downsize the cast of characters. I have yet to see this
movie because I wanted to read the book first and I have just finished it. I
adore good fiction combined with science and/or philosophy and well-rounded

  Carl Sagan is a damn good writer. This surprised me after the rumors and
reviews I have heard through the grapevine, which teaches me once again to
think for myself.

   I developed a college level vocabulary through reading sci-fi as an
elementary student and the fiction I chose after that did nothing to enhance
that vocabulary. I was surprised and delighted to find myself looking up
words like jingoism while reading this book. He does very well at explaining
physics and astronomy to a layman, like myself, and almost all of these
discrepancies I've heard of concerning the movie, and those I've seen in the
trailor are nonexistent in the story.

I suggest that those of you who were unsatisfied by the movie go pick up the
book, you won't be sorry.
I, myself, am about to pick up one of his previous novels, perhaps Comet.

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