Re: Gate to Women's Country

From: Tim Capehart (tdcape0@POP.UKY.EDU)
Date: Mon Jul 28 1997 - 22:50:45 PDT

>(Geek alert)
Pour quoi?

>I'm new here

(that was reason one for said geek alert) Reason two was my unbridled
profession of fandom. Even before Steven King made it a joke and a cliche for
readers to say "I'm your number 1 fan." Readers hazarded derision by professing
devotion to a certain author. I was just warning the listserv that I was a
newbie & a GREAT BIG Tepper fan.

When you mentioned _Family Tree_ in comparison to "previous novels," were
you referring to the more recent ones (_Gibbon's Decline and Fall_,
_Shadow's End_, _A Plague of Angels_), earlier ones like _Gate_, or a

I was referring to Gibbons most recently. NOT (though I love them dearly) the
more fluffy True Game books. Mostly I was referring to Gate, Grass & Raising
the Stones among others which I have yet to see surpassed as SF novels (granted
I read fewer since I becomed a Kids libirdian...but I still TRY to keep up!)

 I was a tot & The Revenants was a new book when I discovered Sheri Tepper. I
have since been a devoted fan. (I also read Gaiman, Pratchett, Card, Huff,
Turner & Tiptree) I admit I have abandoned SF except for these...for lack of

Sorry to give you more than you asked for!

Tim Capehart

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