Re: Birth Control Books

From: F Mendlesohn (fm7@YORK.AC.UK)
Date: Tue Jul 29 1997 - 04:42:02 PDT

> On a related note, the birth of twins was considered to be the result of an
> evil spirit disrupting the normal way of things. One of the infants would be
> killed. Although unthinkable to most of us today, this policy actually had a
> practical basis -- it was unlikely that two infants could be supported,
> primarily because the mother was so poorly nourished that it was catch-and-go
> whether she could produce enough milk to keep even one baby alive.
> Anny
I read an interesting article recently that said that many African
countries are currently having problems with the rising numbers of twins.
As women's health improves and they live longer and continue fertile
longer families are getting bigger. What I didn't realise is that later
in life women are more likely to have twins. A number of charities now
exist to help women keep the second baby.


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