Re: female quest narratives

From: Ildney Cavalcanti (ildney.cavalcanti@STRATH.AC.UK)
Date: Wed Jul 30 1997 - 01:25:22 PDT

Timmi wrote:
  She comes up with "hera" as
>a suggestive term that encompasses both meanings (& more) of the word.
>She notes, "Real-life feminist heras often become visible by passing
>some kind of test." (Hence, "walking through fire"-- a test they don't
>always realize they've let themselves in for taking-- but which, when
>they find themselves taking, transforms them into "heras." "To walk
>through fire," Sturgis says, "is to face the questions, to risk being
>singed, to be changed, to be changed utterly."
Thanks, Timmi. I'll try and get hold of the Sturgis text, and will add hera
to my list of possibilities. By the way, are the protagonists in Charnas's
The Furies not referred to as *heras* at some point?

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