Re: utopias, was Fifth Sacred Thing

From: schant (schant@SCHANT.DEMON.CO.UK)
Date: Mon Aug 11 1997 - 05:53:31 PDT

Holly Yasui wrote:
> Joan Slonczewski in "A Door Into Ocean" has an interesting resolution for
> dealing with infractions of the society's mores: "unspeaking" (socially
> isolating) the individual. This, however, assumes that the individual cares
> about community and is thus deeply affected, and is nonviolent and so
> doesn't just force her way back in. It also seems to me that in Le Guin's
> "The Dispossessed" there's an insightful solution, but I don't have the
> book with me and can't recall the details.

Didn't they undergo regular "self-criticism" sessions like those of the
Chinese marxist revolution, where they criticised themselves and each
other? I seem to remember she did more-or-less the reverse in "Always
Coming Home" where the social misfit would be surrounded by members of
the community all saying good things about them.

"Take what you want", said God. "Take it - and pay for it."
        Old Spanish proverb,
                quoted in "South Riding" by Winifred Holtby

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