[*FSFFU*] SF critical of robots

From: Gary Lynch (bookworm@EXECPC.COM)
Date: Sat Aug 30 1997 - 09:10:48 PDT

On Fri, 29 Aug 1997 11:30:42 Kate Williams
<kwillia8@UOFT02.UTOLEDO.EDU> wrote:

> I am at a school that teaches high school students to design and build
> robots <snip>
> we are building a reading list for the students. what would you all
> recommend?
Somebody needs to mention Isaac Asimov's robot series. Am
I the only person who remembers Dr. Susan Calvin and her 3
laws of robotics?

There was a plot involving a robot accused of murder (which
violates one of the laws), another of a robot who had
suffered the electronic equivalent of a nervous breakdown
('though not as destructively as HAL in _2001_).

I will research specific titles in my collection and follow
up. I realize the material is dated, but most of the stuff
written today is based upon, or a reaction to it.
Gary Lynch bookworm@execpc.com
Hales Corners, WI 53130 http://www.execpc.com/~bookworm
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"The future ain't what it used to be." -- Arthur C. Clarke

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