Re: [*FSFFU*] SF about computers

From: Keri Stone (Dinnally@AOL.COM)
Date: Sat Aug 30 1997 - 17:20:39 PDT


Kate's post reminds me how I'm sort of looking for short stories and essays
both critical and supportive of the increased computer use in our society.
These would be for the beginning computing (software) classes I teach on the
high school level. My main problem has been that the non-fiction that I've
found is on too advanced a level for my students and I don't know of any
short stories (being solely a novel reader). My students are very bright but
jargon-filled and very technical things turn them off given that the students
actually interested in technology pass out of my class through an exemption

If anyone has any suggestions or ideas, I would very much appreciate it,


In a message dated 8/29/97 3:36:43 PM, you wrote:

>hello everyone,
>I am at a school that teaches high school students to design and build
>robots along with the regular academics -- its a 2 and soon a 4 year
>we are building a reading list for the students. what would you all
>recommend? I especially want the books that give social critiques and search
>for or present alternatives to today's applications of robotics (i.e.
>eliminate jobs AND shut masses of people out of the economy and out of
>society). I'm worried about extreme cynicism (like snow crash, although its
>on my list cause its so technologically creative) and about books being too
>dense for typical high school kids -- these kids are straight outta toledo
>(ohio). like,
>he she and it
>parable of the sower
>snow crash
>is my list so far
>thanks a lot

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