Re: [*FSFFU*] Back to SF

From: Catherine Caporusso (104525.2243@COMPUSERVE.COM)
Date: Mon Sep 08 1997 - 07:38:47 PDT

As the person primarily responsible for the "silly," non-SF, but feminist
discussion of GI Jane, I wanted to
note that:

1) I have received a number of messages (which I have not read) about
robots, which seem likely to be just
as "off" the feminist subject as GI Jane is "off" SF.

2) It began because I was intrigued by the comparison of Demi Moore to
three actresses who are known for playing the top three "tough" women movie
characters - Sigourney Weaver, Linda Hamilton, and Angela Bassett - _all_
of whom are in SF movies (Aliens, Terminator 2, and Strange Days).

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