Re: [*FSFFU*] Average heights of women and men (was: GI Jane and

Date: Mon Sep 08 1997 - 18:45:34 PDT

I have another idea on why average women could be shorter than men. Even
though I suspect that most of it exagerrated by perception. Since we are so
used to women-midgets book illustrations and movie images, we could as
well see it when it's not even there, because "it's supposed to be that

Even if it's true, the number one reason would be unadequate nutrition of
women in third-world countries, and the fashion of serf-starvation in
first-world ones. I don't think I met a woman here in US that would not be
obsessed with her weight. The best way to see it is to bring some cake or
donuts to your office. You'll here more about "calories" than in Nutrition 101
class. What about the rest of the world, I can testify that people there
sincerely believe that women need less food. My family does. "You
can't feed a man with a salad. They need real food." (I usually replied
something not very nice on that. But they knew I was strange).

Another reason for the difference could be the fact that smaller women
are considered more feminine (only in Western countries that changed a
bit in 60's, with the advent of Twiggy), therefore prettier, therefore more
likely to marry and pass on their genes. While the scary big woman
would die old maidens. Natural selection. Some genes are gender-connected,
so maybe height is one of them.


        "Femininity is code for femaleness plus whatever society
           happens to be selling at the time."
                                                Naomi Wolf

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