Re: [*FSFFU*] Male/Female strength

From: Sean Johnston (sean-johnston@UIOWA.EDU)
Date: Fri Sep 12 1997 - 13:46:41 PDT

>Do I remember correctly something to have to do with the center of gravity?
>Which has to do with potential childbirth, and all that good stuff. I can
>remember from my misspent youth, being very non-athletic, but my male
>friend who was a very good wrestler having a hard time pinning me while
>mock-wrestling because the moves that would work against his male opponents
>didn't translate, as my weight was centered differently.
>Does it matter? What situations might we encounter in SF that would cause
>equality between the sexes in this area?

I think it does. According to one doctor friend of mine, there is a
different center of gravity, as you suggest, and it makes sense that what
might work on a man wouldn't work on a woman and vice versa. I remember
somebody on the list mentioning that it would hurt quite a lot to be
punched in the breast if you're a woman, but I've never seen anybody, man
or woman, punched there and I don't think it'd faze most guys, other than
puzzle them.
        Truth to tell, even being a guy, I think women are
better-constructed generally than men, they seem to last longer, their fat
generally goes to a less dangerous spot than the midsection, which can
wreak havok on a back. Of course, I also think women are a more complex
"machine", what with the womb, the breasts and breasts and all. I'm
speaking structurally here. I should incorporate some of this into my
writing, really. Anybody have suggestions, additions to detractions from
what I've said? Rebuttals? Affirmations?


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