Re: [*FSFFU*] Have Spacesuit Will Travel (NOT)

From: Nimal Jayawardhana (nfjayawa@DARWIN.NTU.EDU.AU)
Date: Sat Sep 13 1997 - 07:53:49 PDT

>I can bet anything this has nothing to do with the spacesuit sizes. The
>reason is much more simple -- "Fixing the space station that men had
>trouble with is not a job for a woman." Russia is the most sexist country
>in Europe, in case you did not know. If Wendy Lawrence was the "right size",
>they would say they had "limited bathroom facilities for females due to
>emergency conditions on the station", or something else. There is no way
>they would let a girl to tamper with high technology equipment, it's not
>a sewing machine or something. Besides, it would not be gentlemen-like to
>send the poor little girl for such a dangerous task. Geez, I haven't
>been there for three years and this still makes me mad.

It's really rather disturbing considering that theoretically the Soviet
Union was a very egalitarian place (highest proportion of female doctors and
Engineers in the world etctera) on earth, but stats can be deceiving.

|\| | |\/| ~8>B

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