Re: [*FSFFU*] Male/Female body construction

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Sat Sep 13 1997 - 18:06:19 PDT

Sean was commenting on the difference of body construction, and I have to
say I occasionally look at the men in my life and wonder how they manage to
walk around every day with what seems like a very distracting body. Like
when my son is reading in the nude and casually shuts his penis in the
book. Or my husband is watchine tv and shifts his penis around in his lap.
It's just not very --- streamlined, y'know?

Of course, by the same token, my husband claims that if he had breasts,
he'd just sit home all day and entertain himself with them. :)

Maybe in the future we'll see a retractable penis developed, like a bird's.

Mysterious Galaxy 619-268-4747
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