Re: [*FSFFU*] Male/Female strength: kinda off topic

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Sun Sep 14 1997 - 20:30:31 PDT

NH: Not entirely her ideas. The aquatic ape theory was first put forward
by a male scientist whose name I don't remember, and I've long since lost
my copy of _Descent of Woman._ Elaine Morgan does credit him. What she
did was think through some of the implications of what he was saying and
personalize them in a witty, readable text which looked at the theory
from the pov of female evolution. And there is a short story--it may
even be a novella--set in the time period. It's in an issue of CRANK!
magazine, by, damn, I know I'm going to get it wrong; the woman who wrote
_Eleven Million Mile High Dancer?_ Don't quote me on that part, I'm
probably wrong.


On Sun, 14 Sep 1997, Nicole Youngman wrote:

> << Anyone ever read Elaine Morgan's nf book _Descent of Woman?_ It talks
> about some of the structural changes that wrought homo sapiens, from a
> feminist perspective. It's fascinating. >>
> Yes--loved it!! Her ideas about humans spending some time evolving on the
> shores of Africa (and hence no fossils of the time period, as they'd all be
> underwater) were extremely interesting. Now *there's* an interesting time
> period for a novel...
> Nicole

"There are two kinds of dates; the kind that you go out with, and the
small fruit that you eat."
                                -my aunt

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