Re: [*FSFFU*] On Femininity and SF -the Middle East -Reply

Date: Wed Sep 17 1997 - 09:45:27 PDT

Maryelizabeth Hart wrote:
>>Anyone read N. Lee Wood's _Looking for the Mahdi_? I believe it is
set in the Middle East. How did feminity and Allah fare in her take?

It was a pretty good book. And femininity and Allah did not fare
well. *Warning, spoilers* The main character disguised herself as a
man to give herself freedom while working in the imaginary country
(whose name I can't remember offhand). When she wanted to sneak out,
she veiled herself as a woman, and the extreme bruising she had
previously received from the bad guys were looked upon by the border
guards as normal wifely chastisement.


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