Re: [*FSFFU*] off topic - wage gap

From: Pat (mathews@UNM.EDU)
Date: Mon Sep 22 1997 - 11:00:58 PDT

On Fri, 19 Sep 1997, Denise Borgen wrote:

> current backlash against feminism ( a backlash which may finally be
> ending, I hope)
        The way I see it is this - feminism as we've known it in this latest
wave is getting more and more unpopular and will remain so for a while.
That's because it's accomplished much of what it set out to accomplish,
and society as a whole would rather shelve the rest, whereas the flaws in
our original ideals are starting to show. (today's problems are
yesterday's solutions!)
        If we get into economic difficulties this will become worse and
worse, as employers feel free to offer women lower wages and public
opinion starts howling that women can and should run back and attach
themselves to men, while men have to support women and children. I know -
ludicrous in today's world, but still ....
        On the other hand, if we get into a situation like a major war where
we need to draft all hands and the cat to help out, the situation for
working women will be excellent, at least until the emergency ends.
        On the gripping hand, long periods of postwar peace & prosperity
like the 50s have always, as far as I can tell, meant a "return to
normalcy." Look at me, I'm Sandra Dee....

Patricia (Pat) Mathews

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