Re: [*FSFFU*] Dune, role-models and Sex (was Re: Wonder Woman ...)

From: Nalo Hopkinson (bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA)
Date: Tue Sep 23 1997 - 15:14:41 PDT

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Joel VanLaven wrote:

> About the role-model thing. Do people really identify with their sex so
> much?

NH: Yeah, sometimes. Though mind you, I also identified with Marvel
Comics' Thor...'nuff said. Being a woman is only one facet of my
identity, and it's less of a problem nowadays finding
affirming images of women, but when you see yourself reflected so little
in the outside world, it's healing when you do find those images. I've
spoken before on this listserve about how much of a kick I got out of a
Black, mouthy, be-dreadlocked, eccentric woman as the lead (Whoopi Goldberg)
in Jumping Jack Flash.

> On the topic of Dune, who would you rather have been, Paul or his mother?

NH: :) Thank you for this question. I immediately answered, "Jessica,"
then had to figure out why. I think it's because she determinedly carved
out a life for herself, despite whole worlds of people trying to tell her
what to do, and she *lived.* Paul's character was attractive, because he
had all those powers that made him even a super-being; all man, and even
more woman than the women, but ultimately, he wasn't able to maintain human
connections. He became a larger-than-life figure who spawned an
intergalactic jihad, and when he couldn't deal any longer, he turned
hermit. Jessica kept dealing, kept her human connections. Joel,
answering this question told me a lot about what's important to me.

"There are two kinds of dates; the kind that you go out with, and the
small fruit that you eat."
                                -my aunt

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