[*FSFFU*] Pronouns in science fiction and reality

From: Mark Smith (mymark@HOTMAIL.COM)
Date: Fri Sep 26 1997 - 15:05:14 PDT

In response to Pat's previous posting about pronouns, this the the
editorial policy from the
<A HREF="angelfire.com/ok/4equity/">Nontraditional News</A></HTML>web

This publication is for, by, and about women, and dedicated to
eliminating discrimination. Therefore, as a
matter of editorial policy, we have reset our default assumptions from
male to female. Traditionally inclusive terms such as "he,"
"him," and "his," as used herein, refer exclusively to women, both
generically and specifically. For example, since our new
default assumption is female, if a sentence says, "He is a professor,"
you can be absolutely certain that he is a woman otherwise
the sentence would have to read, "He is a male professor."


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