Re: [*FSFFU*] Tolkien

From: Luz Guerra (lguerra@IBM.NET)
Date: Mon Oct 20 1997 - 16:16:21 PDT

At 09:23 PM 10/20/97 -0500, Marina wrote:
>And what you all think about Tolkien?

I loved reading the Hobbit and Rings Trilogy when I was a child, and spent
a some time reading these at night with my own son. As an adult I got very
frustrated with Tolkein's world: male, about war and political power.
Tolkein's sexuality never came into question for me, he just reflects the
heterosexual power elite and cultural elite of his time and place, which
was totally male in reference and reality. The world of the Shire was one
thing -- my son and I can still talk about that world as it exists in our
imagination. The rest of Tolkein was the equivalent of an Oxford don's
fantasy adventure story: the great male-buddy-at-war-on-the-road story of
which we have many.

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