[*FSFFU*] Intro

From: Yvonne Rowse (yvonne@HALLSFARM.SOFTNET.CO.UK)
Date: Tue Oct 21 1997 - 05:04:32 PDT

Hi everyone

I've been lurking quietly for a while now and I thought I'd better admit to
being here.

I'm a stay-at-home parent with two children, one husband, one dog, one
guinea pig, nine ducks,and a hive of bees (I haven't counted them) and I
live in the UK.

I'm a long time SF reader, an ex-metallurgist, an ex-quality manager, an
almost ex-reader. Since signing on three lists I don't have time to read
much. I've recently joined the Birmingham (UK) SF group. We meet once a
month in a pub and they talk about films I haven't seen and books I haven't
read but they *do* hand out books to be reviewed and the beer *is* good and
they're all very nice so that's OK. I don't have to worry about not knowing
what you're talking about on this list. You've read all the same books as
me. What a refreshing change.

I'm reading a lot of kids books at the moment. I'm particularly fond of
Margaret Mahy. Has anyone read any of her stuff? Lots of witches and
pirates in the stories I read to my kids,and some real people in her books
for older kids. I think that's what I miss in a lot of SF. Real people. I'm
reading Serpent's Blood by Brian Stableford at the moment and I'm enjoying
it but the characters are just names striding across the pages.

I'd better leave it at that and get down to doing some actual work.


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