[*FSFFU*] Title Changes (Re: vampire recommendations)

From: Geoffrey D. Sperl (gamgee@geocities.com)
Date: Fri Oct 24 1997 - 04:20:04 PDT

Michael Marc Levy wrote:
> The point is that the illiterate putting the
> book in the rack at the grocery store will be able to tell which two book-wide
> column it goes into and the reader at the mall store where most of the books
> are shelved spine out will be able to tell whether s/he wants to pull it off
> the shelf for a look see.


Isn't that just *slightly* off-base? I don't see the justification of
slamming a worker just because they work at a grocery store or the
mall...perhaps you should say it's because the publishers don't think that the
American public can't figure it out. The publishers are catering to the same
mentality that the newspapers cater to: the myth of the average sixth grade
reading level in this country. The publishers could care less about the
workers - they (for the most part) aren't the consumers.

- Geoffrey

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