[*FSFFU*] Other Louise Cooper

From: Jill Gillham (jilkey@GRFN.ORG)
Date: Thu Oct 30 1997 - 18:02:44 PST

Louise cooper's other major series was the Time Master/Chaos Gate one.

Published order has been:

The Time Master:
1.The Initiate
2.The Outcast
3. The Master

The Chaos Gate Trilogy
1. The Pretender
2. The DEciever
3. The Avenger

Star Ascendant (which is listed as a prequel for the Timemaster books)

They deal with an epic struggle between Order and Chaos through the years.
(without giving away too much plot) I really enjoyed the Timemaster ones,
which led me to buy her Indigo series, which I didn't like quite so much.

Jill Gillham jilkey@grfn.org http://members.aol.com/~ferndock2
\|/ \|/ D=|[[] "All-arm'd I ride, whate'er betide,
=0: + =0: = \O/ Until I find the Holy Grail."
/|\ /|\ |*| -- Alfred, Lord Tennyson [Go WINGS!]

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