Re: [*FSFFU*] title changes -Reply

Date: Mon Nov 03 1997 - 08:34:20 PST


I like "Brown Girl in the Ring." I think it's a good title for a SF
book, because it doesn't sound like another genre, I assume it's
fairly descriptive of the novel, and it doesn't really sound like
anything else on the SF shelves right now. I don't believe all SF
novels should have "stars" or "ship" in the title, nor do I believe
that all fantasy novel titles should be of the "The Dragon Prince's
Shadow Crown of Swords" type. Right now, we're having a lot of
success with a first SF novel called "A Thousand Words for Stranger"
which is flying off the shelves. Why? It's got an interesting cover
(spaceport, girl on the run) and an intriguing title. I think "Brown
Girl in the Ring" is a pretty intriguing title, and I hope that Betsy
Mitchell does a cover treatment that is true to the nature of the
novel while appealing to the larger SF audience. You know, the ones
who like spaceships and laser beams! ;-) I'm assuming that this
book doesn't have spaceships and laser beams.


>>> Nalo Hopkinson <bl213@FREENET.TORONTO.ON.CA> - 10/31/97 5:43 PM
Debra, what's your perspective on the title of my novel? I am unable
assess it objectively as a title, because I grew up with the game; it
has a lot of resonance for me. But I realise that it won't for most


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