Re: [*FSFFU*] Algernon (was Re: vampire recommendations)

From: luz guerra (lguerra@IBM.NET)
Date: Thu Nov 06 1997 - 13:27:01 PST

lg: Oh yes I remember Charly -- one of my first SF movies and got me to
read the book. (67, 68?) Cliff Robertson won an oscar. Claire Bloom
as his sympathetic social worker and love interest. What stands out in
my memory (and I haven't seen the movie since then)is that part of the
plot was the *bad guy* scientists caring more about their experiments
than about Charly's humanity. Now that's a classic SF theme if ever
there was one. Also, how sad Charly's glimpse at the immensity of the
universe and all there is to learn/see/know, only to realize that he
couldn't hold on to even the possibility of retaining what he'd learned.


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