[*FSFFU*] Introduction

From: MaryKay Bird-Guilliams (marykbg@NETCONNECT.WICHITA.LIB.KS.US)
Date: Fri Nov 07 1997 - 14:03:05 PST

Introducing myself after several posts, I really enjoy listservs in
general and this one in particular. Found this listserv through lizt
right after they brought up system wide netscape terminals in our library.
The "flowers for algernon"/Charly continuum works very well for dating us,
doesn't it? I read "flowers" in junior high. Took a class as an
undergraduate at the U of Washington that I believe was taught by Suzy
McKee Charnas on feminist SF. Vonda McIntyre and Ursula Leguin made guest
appearances. About '72. Wonderful class. I work now as a reference
librarian in Wichita, Kansas. Love the work, love libraries, love science
fiction that doesn't repeat the premise that male values are universal
values. Reading "the Moon and the Sun" right now. There are a number of
great books being written recently on either alternative history or
animals/human connection. Really liked The Woman and the Ape by Peter
Hoeg. Also am enjoying the series by Pullman, The Golden Compass and the
Subtle Knife. Being in a public library means you HAVE to keep up with
what books are coming out. Gee, what a chore. Wish to express my
admiration to all of you who write sf. I don't believe I possess the
knack to produce that create entire fantastic worlds.

    "Everyone is a fool at least five minutes a day. Wisdom consists in
not exceeding the limit." paraphrase of a quote which used "man"

Mary K. Bird-Guilliams marykbg@wichita.lib.ks.us
Reference Librarian
Wichita Public Library

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