[*FSFFU*] introduction

From: Marguerite C, Turner (ritat@2XTREME.NET)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 14:32:56 PST

I want to introduce myself as per request from Laura.

My name is Marguerite and I am a newbie at list e-mail and chatting, so I have been just lurking since I signed on Tuesday the 4th. and I will probably continue to lurk until I get to know what I am doing is the correct way to do things.

I just received an e-mail from my son telling me he had seen Starship Troopers and he thought the movie followed the novel more closely than he had expected. He was also impressed with the special effects in the movie.

I am an author wannabe and that is the reason I signed on to the list, because the notice I read said it was a discussion about female SF writers.

I have enjoyed the discussions so far and as I said I shall continue to lurk for a time or until I am told to say something or quit the list.


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