[*FSFFU*] Movie/TV List Suggestion

From: Barbara Benesch (BJBenesch@aol.com)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 17:55:16 PST

Judging from the amount of mail generated on the topics of the Starship
Troopers movie and the Star Trek women, I think a Feminist SF TV/movie list
is in order. I'm not sure if this is something to go to Laura's attention,
or if someone out there with more tech-savvy (and current equipment!) than
myself would be interested in starting one, but it looks to me as if there's
plenty of interest. (This is in no way a reprimand, as I've really enjoyed
the recent discussions, I'm just worried about muddying the list for people
who *aren't* interested in science fiction television and movies as much.)

Barbara Benesch

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