Re: [*FSFFU*] _Sarah Canary_ sort of SPOILER

From: Michael Marc Levy (levymm@UWEC.EDU)
Date: Mon Nov 10 1997 - 21:11:38 PST

On Mon, 10 Nov 1997, Nalo Hopkinson wrote:

> Anybody going to leap in on Joel's question about Sarah Canary? Joel,
> I've heard it called a first contact story. Which makes it possible to
> see her dress in a whole new light.
> -nalo
There's been a lot of argument over Sarah Canary. It's been variously
pigeon-holed as SF as fantasy as horror as magic-realism and as very
strange realistic fiction by various reviewers and critics. I read it as
science fiction myself, keying in on the dress that can't be unbuttoned and
apparently doesn't come off. I think that it's fair to say, however, that
Fowler intentionally fails to give enough clues in the text itself to allow
the reader to judge with any certainty.

A year or so after I read the book however, I heard Fowler say, at a WisCon I
think, that when she was writing the book she saw Sarah as an alien and
the book as SF.

Mike Levy

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