Re: [*FSFFU*] brain cells

From: Maryelizabeth Hart (mystgalaxy@AX.COM)
Date: Wed Nov 12 1997 - 08:33:34 PST

>I have to say that I find it extremely difficult
>to imagine how anyone could detect an "extra"
>40,000 brain cells, even as an average,
>considering that the average brain contains 100
>BILLION neurons.
>There is considerable evidence to indicate that
>what's important is the number of connections
>rather than the number of neurons, but frankly I
>don't think anybody knows enough about the brain
>to say, "If X [=brain cells, connections, bla bla
>bla], then Y [intelligence, empathy, bla bla

Well, I admit I do not have the email I originally got the info from any
more, so my post was undoubtedly subject to flaws from my memory. And, IIRC
once again, no conclusions had been speculated on the function of the extra

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