[*FSFFU*] Introduction

From: Fred Bosman (bobbo@FREEMAIL.NL)
Date: Thu Nov 13 1997 - 07:52:14 PST

My name is Fred (really). I live in Gronigen, the Netherlands. I joined this mail list a few weeks back and have been lurking since then. Now that I want to react to message, I think it is time to introduce myself.

I have studied philosophy and followed some courses in feminist philosophy. Together with a few other students I formed a Feminist SF reading group. We started with the 'classical' novels: LeGuin's Left Hand of Darkness, Russ' Female Man, Piercy's Woman at the Edge of Time, etc.

Now I am a director of videoclips and try to get a job working for television. But I find Feminist SF still very interesting. The reason I like it is probably the same reason I studied Feminist Philosophy: there are a lot of interesting new ideas, and new ways of looking at things.

My collection of Feminist SF I would have to describe as large. I have collected quite a few books, stories and articles about Feminist SF.
My favourite authors are Joanna Russ, James Triptree, jr. and Octavia Butler.

I look forward to some interesting discussions!

Fred Bosman

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