Re: [*FSFFU*] SF or not SF; Atwood; Inclusiveness/Heinlein

From: Michael Marc Levy (levymm@UWEC.EDU)
Date: Thu Nov 13 1997 - 21:07:05 PST

On Fri, 14 Nov 1997, Robin Reid wrote:

> Anyway, a few years back, the year before I became chair, I
> remember the "Ray Bradbury" group pulling out to establish their separate
> Area because "Ray Bradbury was too good a writer to be considered SF/F." To
> my sneaky joy, they haven't had many panels at all--joy NOT because I don't
> like Bradbury (I do, and LOVE some of his work), but because they were just
> so darn snooty about "their" writer being too good to be considered with the
> rest of us down in the gutter writing about SF/F writers.

It seems to me that anyone who thinks that Ray Bradbury isn't a science
fiction or fantasy writer (not counting his mysteries and Irish stories)
shouldn't be allowed to give papers or write about him because they
obviously don't KNOW anything about him.

Mike Levy

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