Re: [*FSFFU*] SF and academia and popularity

From: Heather MacLean (hmaclean@KENT.EDU)
Date: Fri Nov 21 1997 - 09:53:02 PST


SF is not popular (though it may be culture). Sci-fi might be popular, but
SF isn't. SF is damned hard to read, and that's why it's not popular. Most
academics think SF = sci fi, and are therefore suffering from grievous
misconceptions. Additionally, most academics don't have the bendy minds
necessary to read SF. Ergo, most academics poohpooh SF.


Heather, academic of bended mind.

Btw--popular culture *is* an academic field, now. SF is still not in it,
you'll notice, except peripherally through a knee-jerk association with

At 09:28 AM 11/21/97 -0700, you wrote:
> This is something that has always puzzled me... why "popular"
>literary forms are not considered worthy of study by some
>academics. It seems that science fiction, mystery, etc. could
>be interesting to study partly because they are "popular" forms,
>and can say a lot about current culture.
> Of course, I'm a scientist who hasn't been in an English class
>for over five years :) Anybody who knows about these things: what
>do you think?
"Black Holes are where God divided by zero"

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