Re: [*FSFFU*] Lt. Ripley (was Independent Female Characters)

From: Jennifer Krauel (jkrauel@ACTIONEER.COM)
Date: Fri Nov 21 1997 - 15:35:00 PST

Barbara Benesch wrote:

> ...snip...

> I was very disappointed in the third movie for a number of reasons. Killing

> Newt and Hicks before the beginning credits were over was a good indicator
> for me that I'd spent my money unwisely. Then, the final indignity: Ripley
> has sex for the first time in who *knows* how long, and then dies soon after.

 I couldn't sit still for much of the third aliens movie, so I didn't know about
this last part. After seeing Starship Troopers I told the group who had seen it
with me (mostly guys) about the action movie rule that says female characters who
have sex must die. As I expected they hadn't heard about that rule before. And
here's another example.

I'll probably go see alien resurrection just out of love (OK, lust) for ripley.
I don't promise to sit through all of it, though.

Jennifer Krauel      Director of Product Marketing 415.536.0715 fax 415.882.4372
++ Actioneering: the art and science of getting it done ++

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