[*FSFFU*] from list-mistress on repeating discussions

From: Laura Quilter (lquilter@IGC.APC.ORG)
Date: Tue Nov 25 1997 - 19:09:44 PST

i say, go for it. we get new people all the time, and old people drop
off. and even people who have previously addressed a topic may well have
evolved their thinking on one or another aspect. so previous discussion
of a topic is absolutely no reason not to bring it up again.

that said, i'm trying to keep the list archives more current now. and as
soon as i get this all to a decent server (next couple of months) i'm
going to make them thread-searchable. so, if you think a topic has come
up, refresh yourself on what was already said. don't hesitate to state it
again or requote but you should get some information out of reading the
previous discussions.

and that brings me to one final point: please don't forget to change your
subject. anyone can do this; when a subject seems to have evolved beyond
the subject-line, *please* change the subject. feel free to add (was:
blah blah blah) to the end to provide some continuity but keep the
subject-lines as accurate as possible.


Laura Quilter / lquilter@igc.apc.org

"If I can't dance, I don't want to be
in your revolution." -- Emma Goldman


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