Re: [*FSFFU*] reference question

From: Michelle Bernard (Michelle.Bernard@COLORADO.EDU)
Date: Wed Nov 26 1997 - 13:53:32 PST

Um I can't say how it is because I haven't read it, but I did have
Donawerth for a SF by Women course at the University of Maryland
(College Park) and thought she was a good professor, if that's any
indication. I would think (judging from our syllabus) that it would
cover a wide scope (from the Golden Age and pulps to the present) and a
variety of topics (essentialism to relativism). She's in the English

>From: Stahl, Sheryl[SMTP:SFStahl@CN.HUC.EDU]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 26, 1997 2:33 PM
>Subject: [*FSFFU*] reference question
> I've been compiling a list of science fiction and fantasy
>reference works for a class project and came across _Frankenstein's
>daughters: women writing science fiction_ by Jane Donawerth. I haven't
>been able to find any reviews of this. Has anyone seen it that could
>comment on it? Thanks
> sheryl

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